I started having contractions at about 11pm on the 24th and woke Brant at 1:30am. We timed them for about an hour and they averaged about 3 minutes between contractions. After calling the hospital to see what they thought of the short contraction durations, they told me to drink a lot of water, lie down, and see if they would go away in an hour because they weren’t sure if they were true labor contractions. Well, they didn’t go away. So we packed the car up and went in at 3:30am. When we got to the hospital the nurses had a hard time finding my cervix so they called Dr. Harris. Both the nurses thought I had a long way to go but Dr. Harris decided to come in and see us. After about 20 minutes of walking the halls and using the yoga ball, Dr. Harris arrived and did a short examination only to discover that I was dilated about 8cm. I laid down on the bed, he broke my water and I started pushing after about 3 more contractions (9 minutes). Without the aid of any drugs, I pushed for about 1 ½ hours and finally gave birth to Jack at 7:28am.
And here he is...
He is beautiful! I think he looks like Brant, what do you think? Adri, you're glowing, you look so good for just giving birth. Congratulations!
He is soooo ADORABLE! i love him! i cant wait to meet him in person!
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